The study was to demonstrate that operation of a petroleum refinery following modifications to its permit to operate, in conjunction with other major and minor sources in the area, would not result in an exceedance of any National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) or the allowable PSD increments.
Verdant assessed the emission increase resulting from modifications to the client’s facility. To prepare a comprehensive inventory of sources that could contribute to potential violations of NAAQSs or to consumption of the increment, Verdant personnel then identified all permitted sources within a 50 kilometer radius of the refinery and reviewed the permit files for each to determine maximum allowable emissions from each facility and any changes in emissions that had occurred since the applicable baseline date
The air quality analysis demonstrated that proposed changes to the refinery would not result in an exceedance of any of the NAAQS or allowable increments despite the use of worst case emission estimates and dispersion models which are known to be conservative.